Glad to see Conan O'Brien back doing The Tonight Show after that fall he took last Friday. I'm sorry he knocked himself senseless but trying to take a slide on the studio floor like that wasn't his brightest idea. Conan, next time just concede the race to Teri Hatcher. She's simply in better shape than you are.
I've been a long-time fan of Conan since the early days and have dutifully followed him over to The Tonight Show. I admit he seemed a little off when he took over but you should cut him some slack since moving from New York to L.A. would be serious culture shock to anyone. I think in the last few weeks he's gotten considerably more comfortable with the show head injuries not withstanding.
Still, I have lots of great memories from his years on Late Night. One of the things I think that set Conan apart was that he wasn't afraid to get physical in his comedy segments. Letterman, for example, would be content on mocking something like donkey basketball from the sidelines but Conan would actually mount up and attempt a free throw. Anyway, here's a few of my favorite Conan clips from Late Night.
Conan Old Time Baseball
The Arbutus Record Show
1 week ago
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