Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I'm not a huge gamer but I thought I'd pay a tribute to the Sega Dreamcast. When the Dreamcast debuted back in 99 I'd been out of video games for a while. I'd practically grown up with them starting with Pong and Atari and later Nintendo and the Super NES but by the late 90's I was kinda burnt out. I didn't buy any of the fifth generation systems like the N64 or Sega Saturn as they didn't seem to generate the same excitement as their predecessors. After a while however I started hearing people say good things about the Sega Dreamcast. I looked around online, bought a used system and damn it the people were right!

For starters it's a very elegant looking console, off-white relatively small with a flip-top lid. It's a stark contrast to some of the ugly behemoths of other systems. And then of course there's the games. For something that was only around for a couple of years the Dreamcast has dozens of good games e.g. Soul Calibur, Crazy Taxi, Sonic Adventure, Jet Grind Radio, Shenmue, NHL 2K2, Unreal Tournament, Power Stone, Quake III, etc. You get the idea. The Dreamcast is actually the only Sega console I've ever owned. I never bought a Genesis as I liked the graphics better on the SNES and thought the three button controller was too limiting. I can't really say anything bad about the Dreamcast. I just hope it'll keep working for another 10 years.

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