Taxi has always been one of my favorite shows. For me it holds up better than a lot of other 70's sitcoms that hung around way too long until they became pale imitations of their former selves. Taxi on the other hand lasted just five seasons all of them great. I even think their last season was better than their first which I can't say about many other shows in TV history.
The talent level both in front of and behind the camera was incredible. While you had comedy legends like Christopher Lloyd and Andy Kaufman delivering the lines, there was a hall of fame writing staff typing them out. People who would go on to create more TV classics like James Brooks and Sam Simon (The Simpsons), Glen Gordon Caron (Moonlighting), Glen and Les Charles (Cheers) and then there was David Lloyd who wrote for just about everything (The Mary Tyler Moore Show, The Bob Newhart Show, Rhoda, Cheers, Frasier, etc, etc). David Lloyd died earlier this month which made me take a look back at his work and the shows I grew up watching. Taxi may not have even been his best work but when you combine it with all the other writers it becomes a once in a generation television landmark.
Anyway, here's a couple of my favorite moments from Taxi. And if anybody would like to get me the Taxi complete series DVD set I'll be your best friend for life. Just kidding. Maybe.
The Arbutus Record Show
1 week ago
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