Tuesday, January 5, 2010

An Explanation

You know, I really didn't mean to abandon this blog but stuff happens. Going through old videotapes takes time, the holidays rolled around and now my DSL modem is on the fritz. It'll stay on for a while and then just shut off. I've had it barely one year. If I ever buy a Motorola product again please shoot me in the head. They make the crappiest electronics in existence. This DSL modem is made of cheap plastic, weighs about 3 grams, has no extra ports or even an on/off switch and yet they charge $50 for it. This is also the product Motorola sent me a hot rebate check for. Unless this modem suddenly explodes acid I don't see how I can become more unhappy with it than I am now.


  1. Motorola anything is the worst. I can't believe they sent you a bad check!

  2. I sure wasn't expecting it. I also use a Motorola inventory gun at work that's always giving me headaches. I can't escape!
