Sunday, July 3, 2011

Terminator 2: Judgement Day July 3 1991 - July 3 2011

Terminator 2 was released 20 years ago today and aside from 1 pretty good tv series and 2 mediocre movie sequels the world has yet to be destroyed by nuclear armageddon. For my money T2 is perhaps the best American sci-fi action movie ever made. Robocop, Aliens and the first Matrix are all cool but I think T2 has them all beat. I think it's because the movie is the bridge between older hands-on action films and today's CGI animated fare. James Cameron mixed the different elements together in a way that one complimented the other instead of overshadowing it.

I have something of a history with Terminator 2. Strangely enough I didn't see it during it's theatrical run maybe because my girlfriend at the time didn't care for those type of movies. Instead we went to see stuff like Ghost and people making out with pottery wheels. When I broke up with said girlfriend I moved to a new town and got a job at the local supermarket. One night I was looking around the video rental section of the store and saw a used VHS tape of Terminator 2 marked down to 5 bucks. I bought it, took it home and was hooked. Being that I was new in town, didn't know anyone and had no money I would often just sit at home after work and watch T2 again and again and again. Sure, it was kinda pathetic but at least I didn't buy a Pauly Shore movie that night. Since then every time a new home video format comes out Terminator 2 is one of the first titles I buy. Laserdisc? check. Blu-ray? check. DVD? double check (I have both the Ultimate and Extreme versions). Many props to James Cameron. You can keep making movies about sinking ships or blue aliens but Terminator 2 will always be your crowning glory to me.

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